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Bill Wilson instructing Jonathan Goldring successfully represented a defendant charged with attempted murder, at the Central Criminal Court. The facts of the case were extremely unusual in that the defendant was alleged to have entered the room of one of his housemates at 3am, and stabbed the victim repeatedly whilst he lay in bed. The victim had been stabbed some thirty times. No motive could be found for the unwarranted attack and following his arrest the following day, the defendant admitted that he must have been the perpetrator but couldn't explain how the attack had arisen. Forensics tied him to the scene.

At the initial stages, it was thought that alcohol may have been a contributing factor, however as the case progressed it became evident, that the defendant was someone who had a history of sleep related disorders and on the night in question had actually been sleep-walking. He had no knowledge of entering the victim's room or indeed the stabbing until he "awoke" to find himself standing over the victim. The defence of Automatism was put forward. Various experts were instructed which subsequently brought about a "special verdict" of not guilty by reason of insanity.

This result means Bill retains his 100% record of success in defending murder cases.

© Bankside Law, 2010